My Projects

Between 2005-2015 I worked at four different startups in the Washington, D.C. area in various executive & senior roles.  Over those years my domain sales and online marketing sustained me and allowed me to roll the dice.  Why do I say that?  My primary form of compensation from them was stock options.  None of these companies ever made my options worth a penny, so I decided to walk away from startups for a while or perhaps forever – time will tell.

I spent most of 2016 re-focusing my efforts on my existing domains and websites along with exploring other ideas.  My domain sales increased after pushing forward with my own sales site (DomainVIP).

I also helped my friend Noah Kagan with trying to acquire Sumo.com for slightly more than one year.  The sellers started saying they wanted $10MM and after a few counter offers they broke off all communication with me.  In Dec 2016 Noah reached out to them in a last-ditch effort and convinced them to sell the domain for $1.5MM ($500k more than he wanted to spend).


New Projects

Amazon – I launched my first private label brand and product in December 2017.  I’m still selling that product and even expanding the brand’s product line in 2018.  Owning thousands of domains made figuring out a brand for my vertical SO much easier 🙂  What is my brand and what are my products?  I prefer to keep them private due to potential competition.

DomainVIP.com – my domain sales site that combines Google Adsense revenue with the ability to make offers and even buy a domain instantly.  This site took 5 months for me to finish everything and was as challenging as it was fun.  It took my programming, WordPress, Linux, and cPanel/WHM skills to get it fully functional.  I can now acquire new domains, change their nameservers, add them to the site, and everything else is automatically ready.

HostRatings.com – my web hosting review site that also has useful articles that I wrote.  I’ve owned this site for a long time, but in 2016 I decided to completely re-design it.  The overhaul took a few months to complete before I could go live, but it turned out great IMO.

Partner With YOU! – I own thousands of domains, but I don’t have enough time and energy to develop them all. If you have the time, energy, and expertise in an area, but don’t want to spend thousands on buying a great domain – Contact Me and let’s see if there’s synergy.


Other Projects

DomainDough.com – this is my product that shows you step-by-step how to make money with domain names.  I’ve been in the domain business for a very long time, sold over $1,000,000 of my own names, and I’m finally sharing all of my secrets. Click HERE to get a copy

Ryan Lee – I did a few webinars over the 2012 summer with Ryan teaching tips and tricks with WordPress and getting cheap effective traffic.  I also spoke at his 2012 DCX event where I presented on using 7Search as an effective marketing tool.